99 Airlines - flight information
I want to fly from to

Binghamton/endicott/johnson Airport (BGM), Johnson City NY, United States


Airport Name:Binghamton/endicott/johnson Airport
City / Town:Johnson City NY
Country:United States
Time Zone:GMT -5.0
Runway Length:6298 meters
Runway Elevation:1630 meters

The following airlines fly from this airport:
Please note - this site is still under development and this information is very incomplete - so far we have only entered routes from around 20% of the world's airlines!

Delta Air Lines

Available destinations

You can fly directly to the following destinations from Binghamton/endicott/johnson Airport (BGM), Johnson City NY, United States:
Airport NameThree letter codeTown / CityCountryAirlines serving this route
Naples AirportAPF Naples FLUnited StatesDelta Air Lines
AtlantaATL Atlanta GAUnited StatesDelta Air Lines
Delta Air Lines
Corpus Christi International AirportCRP Corpus Christi TXUnited StatesDelta Air Lines
Wayne County AirportDTW Detroit MIUnited StatesDelta Air Lines
5 routes recorded for this aiport.

Other destinations will no doubt be added as we get information for more airlines.